The logo for cathedral corporation is green and white

Fundraising Solutions

Our Thoughts on Giving

There are many aspects to stewardship including time, talent and treasure. We know that stewardship is much more than fundraising, but we also know that there is an important connection between the two. Parishes that embrace stewardship already understand the four characteristics from the 1992 pastoral letter on Stewardship, A Disciple’s Response:

  • Accountability
  • Generosity
  • Gratitude
  • Giving back to the Lord with increase

Our mission is to help Dioceses, parishes, churches, schools and other organizations be more financially secure and establish a connection with the community at large. Cathedral is the leading provider of offertory enhancement, capital campaign programs, and annual giving appeals. By utilizing our unique resources we create effective multi-touch campaigns that are guaranteed to increase donations.

There is a cross on the wall above a bible on a table.

Call us today at 1-800-698-0299 to learn more!

  • A laptop computer is open to a website for mother 's day and father 's day.

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  • A laptop with a shopping cart on it and the words `` shop our online store ''.

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