The logo for cathedral corporation is green and white

Increased Offertory Program

Cathedral’s Diocesan-wide program experience includes raising over $2.6 billion in 170 of the 185 U.S. Dioceses across the U.S. We are committed to helping parishes make the best possible use of their gifts of time, talent and treasure. By utilizing our expertise in data management, e-giving, printing and mailing resources, we provide a unique approach to offertory enhancement that has extraordinary results. Our personalized letters, mass and bulletin announcements and educational materials are designed for parishes who are embracing stewardship as a way of life.

A purple map of the united states with the number 48 on it

Key Benefits of our Increased Offertory Program include:

  • Increased parishioner engagement and financial participation
  • 10 – 30% increase in giving over previous year
  • Customized program based on your parish needs with ongoing mentorship/guidance
  • Partnership in your fundraising initiatives and benefit of the Cathedral Corporation guarantee

There is a cross on the wall above a bible on a table.

Call us today at 1-800-698-0299 to learn more!

  • A laptop computer is open to a website for mother 's day and father 's day.

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  • A laptop with a shopping cart on it and the words `` shop our online store ''.

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